Once you have received your order, you can desist from your purchase, as long as the product has not been made to measure, has not been used or damaged, has its original packaging and corresponding manuals, as well as all its original accessories or promotional gifts. If there were any within 14 calendar days after receipt of your order.
We remind you that by making use of your right of withdrawal, the refund of the money paid for the product(s) purchased will be made / the amount of the purchase will be included and, if they existed, the delivery costs also.
You can not return items, exercising the right of withdrawal, that do not have their original packaging intact and without unsealing as well as any type of customized product for the customer. In this sense, the return of all those products that present some type of manipulation of the protective film of the box or wrapper will not be accepted, otherwise the value of the item will suffer a depreciation of the same.
In the case of products that require its opening and use to know if they work properly, the provider, will require to accept your return that the product that is returned, is in perfect condition and also, having all its elements, packaging and wrappers.
And you must also make sure that:
- It has not been used incorrectly or negligently, has not been manipulated in an inappropriate or reckless manner and has not been subjected to abnormal or harmful conditions.
- Has not been involved in any accident or has been damaged when trying to repair or modify it.
- It has not been used in a manner contrary to that established by the manufacturer in the instructions of the Product.
- It has not deteriorated due to natural wear after its reception.
- Complaints of color tint based on viewing the color map through the monitor do not apply, since the color visible on the monitor may be slightly different from the actual color. The seller is responsible for the hidden defects of the product, but is not responsible if the buyer did not install the ordered product in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
In the event that the product does not meet any of the aforementioned requirements, we can decide, at our discretion, not to repair or replace the product or refund the amount paid and / or we can ask you to reimburse the entire transport and revision costs, arising according to the current standard rates. To carry out this refund, we can charge the mentioned costs in the account of your credit or debit card or use the payment information provided when placing the Order.
In case of defective product, the provider will proceed, as appropriate, to the repair, replacement, price reduction or termination of the contract, procedures that will be free for the consumer and user.
In the event that the product or its packaging have suffered any damage or is not in the original conditions of shipment, the value of the item will suffer a depreciation of it.
In the cases in which you consider that at the time of delivery the product does not conform to the provisions of the Contract is a damaged product during its delivery, or is incorrect you should contact us immediately through email info@limoncadesign.com
Once the return request has been examined, and the appropriate verifications have been made, upon confirmation via e-mail, we will proceed to the collection of the product, at the place where it was delivered.
We will proceed to carefully examine the returned product and we will notify you by e-mail within a reasonable time if it is appropriate to return or replace it (if applicable). The return or replacement of the item will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 calendar days following the date on which we send you an email confirming that the return or replacement of the non-compliant item proceeds
The amounts paid for those products that are returned because of a proven defect or defect, will be reimbursed in full, including delivery costs incurred to deliver the item. The refund will be made in the same means of payment that was used to pay for the purchase.
Send the returned goods to our address: Limonca s. p., Olešče 19, 3270 Laško, Slovenia.
Download the goods return form here >> The goods return form.
Fill out the form and return it by email to info@limoncadesign.com.